Partnering Police Scotland
1. Safety-net Alert Service
Accidents happen. When we alerted a daughter to our unanswered Good Morning Call, she found her dad 'in a heap' on the floor beside his Zimmer frame. He had tripped and fallen when putting on his housecoat that morning and was unable to get up. He had 'gotten a fright' and was a little shaken but didn’t need medical attention.
"I'm so thankful you managed to get me help. I don't know what would’ve happened had you not got hold of my daughter. I'd been trying for over an hour and couldn’t get myself back up. Even though I’m now more careful when walking and using my Zimmer, it's reassuring knowing that should anything happen then you will get me help."
Client, 80
His daughter appreciated of our service:
"You are Dad's safety-net and it makes us, the family, feel good too because we know if anything happens to him, or you can't get him, you’ll be right on the phone to me or my brother. Thanks for all that you do."
As having a fall can undermine someone's confidence, we take time to explore the practicalities of how and why the fall happened so that the person can minimise their risk of another fall. Our job is often to re-build someone's confidence about them living alone.
2. Community Safety
Scam Advice and Bogus Caller Alert Service
We pass on advice on fraud prevention and good doorstep management to beat the bogus caller and it means more because it comes from someone clients know and trust.
A key part of our work is in supporting clients who have become a victim of a scam or theft to:
a) talk to a trusted family member
b) talk to the police
c) help them recognise what lead to them becoming a victim
d) agree a plan of action for next time if there is one.
3. Trading Standards
Nuisance Calls and Call Blocking Equipment
We identify clients who'd benefit from the True Call call-blocking unit, the device recommended by Trading Standards, and fund-raise to be able to install them free of charge. The devices don't suit everyone so preparation as well as post-installation support is key.
"I think it's a great thing as I was getting that many nuisance calls, I was getting to the point where I didn’t want to answer the phone. I've now got a different outlook when the phone rings as I know those calling are to be trusted. I feel at ease at home now."
Jesse, 72 years

Police Scotland respond to Emergency Service Alerts.